Making flood model data usable… by anyone
In essence, waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager’s role is to help in the understanding of flood behaviour (for both technical and non-technical people) by allowing users to “get at” and interrogate their model results, and integrate them with GIS datasets to help determine “what do they mean?”. All this without needing to be a flood modeller, nor have the flood model software available! It is not a flood model itself.
The capabilities of waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager extend far beyond those of a simple hydraulic model results viewing application. waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager is designed to enhance the understanding and communication of hydraulic modelling, as well as facilitate decision making by providing targetted flood intelligence through seamless integration of modelling results with GIS datasets.
Flood intelligence is the combination of flood modelling datasets with other, generally GIS based datasets, to create new information that serves the needs of the end user of the model results (ie “what does this flooding data mean to me?”).
Developed by experienced floodplain managers actively practising in the industry, it is designed to be used by hydraulic modellers, flood mitigation engineers, planners, emergency management personnel and flood risk managers, in both government and private enterprises.
From model results interrogation and communication, to planning and development assessment, floodplain management and real-time flood forecasting, waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager provides ready access to flood information when it’s needed.
Currently supported models include: TUFLOW, TUFLOW FV, MIKE11/21/FLOOD/SHE, RMA2, InfoWorks RS, Isis 2D, SOBEK, DELFT 3D, FLS, time-varying ASCII grid output, HEC-RAS, XP-STORM, EXTRAN (XP-SWMM), DRAINS overland flow, ESTRY, ANUGA, ICPR and even hard copy results.
- Interactive animations (not just AVI files)
- Easy access to, and interrogation of, any flood model results in live GIS (level, depth, hazard, velocity, velocity vectors, VxD, energy, Froude, bed shear, unit stream power etc)
- Time series, profile, and flow plots at any location(s) in the model results, including locations defined in external GIS files (eg cross sections)
- Mapping to finer scale terrain models (DEM’s)
- Time based analysis (time to inundation, duration of inundation, threshold and Boolean queries, isolated areas)
- “Peak” parameter display including “peak of peaks” from multiple model results
- Flood damage calculations
- Automated flood certificates (LIMS/PIMS) / property searches
- Integration with GIS (eg evacuation route closure, depth over floor, hazard at properties/facilities etc)
- Flood forecasting (eg what does 13.0m at the gauge look like? Who does it impact? When are they impacted? etc)
- Automated Flood Planning Area (Flood Sensitive Area) determination (eg 100yr plus 0.5m freeboard)
- Dynamic grid surface smoothing
- Exporting to GIS
- Highly visual environment ideal for community education
- waterRIDE™ FLOOD Viewer allows access to a waterRIDE™ project with minimal (none) training requirements – perfect for sharing data across an organisation
- Standard waterRIDE™ linking to external datasets (refer visionMAKER™ page for full details)
Intuitive Interrogation and Visualisation
Using waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager, 1D models can be interpretted in 2D with realistic (and interactive) animation of flood behaviour over a georeferenced background.
Regardless of the model type (1D or 2D), you can access your model results in the same intuitive and highly visual manner!
(the image to the right shows a 1D MIKE11 model, with the cross sections overlain on the interpolated water surface)
Interrogate Model Results Anywhere
View results as static and time varying thematic maps (including peak values across all time steps) of:
– terrain
– water level
– depth
– velocity
– velocity times depth
– hazard
– energy
– Froude No.
– bed shear
– unit stream power
This allows you to interrogate all hydraulic parameters at any location in the floodplain, not just at model nodes or cross sections.
(the image shows peak velocity with velocity vectors, overlain by the 1D link node model network)
Interactive Animation
Realistic, interactive animations are invaluable in understanding flood behaviour.
Interactive animations can be paused at any time to interrogate the active results or any GIS layers. They are not “movie files”.
Full GIS controls are available during animation (eg pause, zoom into an area of interest, then restart the animation).
Interactive animations are particularly valuable in community education and emergency planning.
(The image to the left shows flood depth velocity vectors for a 2D RMA model)
Time Series Plots
Clickable “time series plots” at any location allow the user to readily navigate to particular time steps in the animation.
Save and load your time series points for comparison between different model runs.
Plot various hydraulic parameters on the one plot (eg depth, velocity and velocity times depth to see if the “peaks” of each parameter are coincident)
Profile Plots
Profile plots of any parameter provide valuable insight into hydraulic behaviour.
Export the profile to your spreadsheet application.
Translucent thematic mapping enables the visualisation of thematic surfaces and underlying imagery, simultaneously.
Easily stack multiple profile plots from different flood events for quick comparison.
Flow Hydrographs at Any Location
Flow plots across any user defined section allows the user to visualise the time variance of flow at any location in the model.
Quick Mannings Calculations
Quickly carry out calculations using Mannings’ Equation to verify modelling results or determine unknown hydraulic parameters, eg:
– use stage and slope to determine average velocity and flow,
– use water level and flow to get slope and average velocity,
– use flow and slope to determine water level and average velocity
Flexible Thematic Display Options
Quickly control the display of and access to any hydraulic dataset.
Customisable colour palettes, contour intervals, translucency levels and labelling provide you with the flexibility to display your data the way you want to.
User controlled Table of Contents provides intuitive access to flood information.
Project files allow quality controlled distribution and access to flood datasets across an organisation.
Customisable Flood Hazard Mapping
Flood hazard (velocity x depth) can be converted to a cadastral format, instantly defining flood hazards for each cadastral lot.
Set up your own flood hazards categories (charts) to provide ultimate flexibility.
Difference Mapping
waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager can be used to easily produce difference plots. Difference plots can be used to thematically display the difference between two model runs (eg in development impact assessments with ‘before’ and ‘after’ model results, or what is the impact of climate change?).
The model results do not even need to have the same network layout or even be from the same hydraulic model!
Parameter Queries
Full Boolean logic query functionality for your hydraulic results set, at any time step or across the entire time series.
For example, display all points in the floodplain where velocity > 1.0m/s and depth > 1.0m at any stage during the flood.
Facilitates ready classification of your floodplain (floodway, flood storage, flood fringe etc).
Time Based Queries
Execute flexible (user defined) time based queries using any hydraulic parameter to derive time dependent surfaces such as:
• time to / duration of (eg time to inundation)
• time to peak
• duration threshold (eg how long is bed shear > specified value, or how long is an area inundated by at least 0.5m of water?)
Interrogate the results across the entire floodplain.
An absolute necessity for effective emergency management planning and flood hazard/risk analysis!
Enhanced GIS Integration
Combine your GIS datasets with your model results in even more sophisticated ways.
Populate a GIS field with any hydraulic parameter for all objects in the GIS file (eg automatically mapping maximum flood levels and hazards to all properties in the floodplain, including across large rural lots).
Interact between GIS fields and the hydraulic data to calculate derived data (eg depth above floor level, freeboard to floor level, how long until the low points on evacuation routes are reached, will critical infrastructure be operational? etc)
Exporting to Conventional GIS
Export to GIS with sophisticated processing options:
• lines/polygons/surfaces/grids
• smoothed flood extents
• noise reduction through removal of ponds, puddles and islands (particularly useful when mapping to flat areas in a DEM derived from ALS – Aerial Laser Survey)
Export any surface as a vector or raster GIS layer.
Flood Planning Level / Flood Sensitive Areas
Automatically calculate a flood planning level for all cadastral lots (in a GIS file) in the floodplain (eg the 1 in 100 year ARI level +0.5m).
Automatically stretch the planning siurface to it’s flood extent (eg what would the 100yr plus 0.5m look like?)
Export the levels to your corporate GIS package for use by others
Automated Flood Certificates
The GIS capabilities of waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager allow model surfaces, georeferenced property data and corporate database systems to be read and combined automatically in the production of flood certificates.
Flood certificates use standard Microsoft Word templates with keywords for the automated insertion of relevant data.
You can update your certificate formatting at any time.
Powerful Utilities
Process and manipulate your model results with a collection of powerful utilities:
– Peak of peaks
– Automated hydraulic water surface stretching, including limit lines
– Mapping results to finer scale DEM’s
– Clipping/combining/merging results
– Batch processing
– Projection conversion
– Direct rainfall/Rainfall on grid output cleaning
– Dynamic grid surface smoothing
Individual Property Photos
Automatically display individual property photos for GIS property information layers.
Scale your property photos to provide a realistic visualisation of flooding at each property.
Fantastic for use in community flood awareness and education campaigns!
Grid or TIN Based Surfaces
waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager supports both triangular irregular network (TIN) elevation models, and raster (grid) elevation models with thematic mapping of the ground surface, elevation retrieval at any point and extraction of cross-sections.
You can even have TIN model results ‘floating’ on a gridded DEM!
Map the model results over a fine scale DTM (such as ALS or LIDAR) to enhance flood depths, extents and hazards.
Preparing Report Figures
Plot outputs using user defined drawing templates specifying borders, graphics, logos, text etc.
Readily export high quality images at the desired print resolution for direct insertion and annotation in reports.
Export high quality screen images at varying resolution, including saving GIS header files!
Real-time Flood Forecasting
waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager can be used to interpolate a surface representing the likely flooding for a given gauge(s) prediction.
Quickly visualise the likely flooding and determine the affectation of that flooding (eh who will be wet, when will they be wet, etc)
Detailed information is available on the Flood Forecasting page.
Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 8, Windows 10
Processors: Minimum 1GHz, 2GHz recommended
RAM: Minimum 2GB RAM, 4GB recommended
Flood Modelling Tools
Current Support: TUFLOW, TUFLOW FV, MIKE11/21/FLOOD/SHE/URBAN, RMA2, RMA10, RMA11, InfoWorks, ISIS, SOBEK, DELFT 3D, FLS, SELFE, RiverFlow 2D, time-varying ASCII grid output, HEC-RAS, XP-STORM, EXTRAN (XP-SWMM), DRAINS overland flow, ESTRY, ANUGA, ICPR, and even hard copy results.
Future Support: Added as required
GIS Datasets
Vector: Esri ShapeFile (*.shp), ESRI Personal and File Geodatabases (*.mdb, *.gdb), MapInfo (*.mif, *.tab), MSSQL Spatial Databases (Direct Connect), Oracle Spatial Databases (DirectConnect), AutoCAD DXF v12 (*.dxf), Google KML (*.kml), AutoCAD dxf v12 (*.dxf), Microstation DGN (*.dgn)
Raster: JPEG (*.jpg), Bitmap (*.bmp), Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (*.ecw), JPEG2000 (*.j2k,*.jp2,*.jpc,*.j2c), MrSID (*.sid), Portable Network Graphics (*.png), Web Map Service (WMS), TIFF (*.tif, *.tiff)
Elevation Data: ASCII XYZ, ASCII Grid, MapInfo Vertical Mapper Grid (*.grd), ESRI Grid (*.adf, *.img, *.tif, *.img), Idrisi Grid (*.rst,*.img), GIS Vector (*.shp,*.mif), AutoCAD 3D (*.dxf), 12D (*.12da,*.xyzt), MicroStation 3D triangles (*.dgn)
As this encompasses a very wide range of user types not all functionality will be applicable for all user types. The lists below provide an indication, through user feedback, of the features that each of the user types has found valuable.
End user types are broadly classified as:
- Councils and Government Authorities
- Floodplain Managers
- Planners
- Emergency Managers
- Flood Modellers
- Consultants
Floodplain Managers, Planners and Government Authorities
- easily understand your flooding issues with interactive animations using rich GIS datasets
- excellent community education tool
- improve model results display quality using surface and flood extent smoothing
- integrate model results with your GIS datasets
- provides a system for the preparation of automatic flood certificates
- provides a standard, easy to use interface for consistently interrogating model results (ensures consistency and ease in the issue of flood information, regardless of information source)
- use the same application to interrogate model results, regardless of which model was used
- easily distribute flooding data across the organisation (access control using full and view only applications)
- instant access to your flooding information (including links to digital copies of reports, spreadsheets, PDF’s, websites etc)
- obtain greater value from your flood models by seamlessly mapping onto finer scale DTM’s (such as ALS)
- interactive animations and live GIS integration assist in the development of flood management protocols and procedures, and in the preparation of flood emergency response plans
- the Flood Forecast Module assists in both the planning and management of flood emergencies
- Boolean query functionality allows rapid floodplain classification (floodway, flood storage and flood fringe hydraulic categories)
- relate design flood results to key locations in the floodplain (eg 10.2m at the gauge means ‘this’ degree of flooding at your property)
- analyse time varying datasets
- flood damages calculator can be used in benefit/cost analysis of flood mitigation options
Flood Emergency Managers
- ability to assess time based behaviour of flooding (including animations, rates of rise, phasing of inundation/evacuation etc)
- integration with GIS datasets to determine the consequences of flooding (eg properties flooded above floor, evacuation route closure time, critical infrastructure operational status)
- assist in evacuation planning and phasing
- identification of areas subject to varying levels of flood hazards, including the time at which those hazards are reached
- ability to leverage model results in a flood forecasting context
- develop real-time flood forecasting systems (eg enter forecast levels at a gauge to see the affectation of that flooding)
- enhance community education and preparedness
- rates of rise analysis
- common, easy to use interface to any model results
- rapid access to model results
- you do not need to be a flood modeller to interrogate and utilise the model results, both in planning for and during a flood
Flood Modellers and Consultants
- integrate with rich GIS datasets to enhance communication and understanding of model results
- greatly enhance understanding of 1D model results
- rapidly map model results with finer scale DTM’s to automatically produce more accurate GIS flood extents (including smoothing of the flood extents)
- dynamic TINning(smoothing) of gridded model results enhances both presentation and interpretation of model results, especially in areas of shallow flow
- easily prepare a presentation/interrogation of results project for display to clients
- all your modelling data is at your fingertips – conduct high quality community presentations and meetings
- interactive animations allow you to pause midway and interrogate the water surface or any GIS layers (ieanimating is not just a movie)
- access your model results from any modelling package in a single, common, and easy to use interface
- analyse the full time varying model results
- plot time series, profile and flow plots at any location(s) within the model
- save your plot locations for easy comparison between model runs or during model calibration
- export time, profile and flow plots to spreadsheets
- batch export time series, profile and flow plots using GIS layers to specify plot locations
- produce difference plots to clearly show flood impacts of developments
- export models results directly to your clients GIS systems
- quickly calculate “peak of peaks” (envelope) datasets across any number of model runs for all hydraulic parameters
- parameter and Boolean queries allow you to interrogate results in unique ways
- link external files (such as site photos, reports, PDF’s, spreadsheets, movies etc) to your model results
- Easily and quickly calculate flood damages (including AAD)
- access hydraulic parameters regardless of model source (level, depth, velocity (X and Y components as well), VxD, custom hazards, shear, Froude, unit stream power)
- tools for preparing and manipulating elevation models (both Grid and TIN), including very large ALS datasets
- utilise DTM’s from common applications including MapInfo, ESRI, AutoCAD, 12D and MicroStation
- quality assurance in preparing deliverables and identifying modelling errors or anomalies
- tailored tools developed by hydraulic modellers are designed to maximise workflow and deliverables preparation
- specialised modellers tools to process model results (eg automatic “stretching” of model results to the true flood extent when mapping – especially useful for grid based models)
- waterRIDE™ developers are hydraulic modellers. The tools are used in their own modelling work and are continually enhanced.
- fullversion
- view only (waterRIDE™ FLOOD Viewer)
waterRIDE™ FLOOD Viewer provides access to any waterRIDE™ project developed using waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager. Users can view and interrogate model results (thematic surfaces, profile and time series plots etc) but are unable to change or edit the project (add views, new layers etc). The viewer cannot access any of the sophisticated processing tools (but can access the outputs of the tools). It provides an ideal means of sharing quality controlled flooding information across an organisation with minimal (or no) training requirements.
waterRIDE™ 1D Surface is required if 1D model results are to be used (excluding HEC-GeoRAS and the 1D component of TUFLOW, as these are converted directly to 2D).
Both standalone and network (LAN/WAN) licenses are available.
All waterRIDE™ software is Licensed subject to our License Agreement.