At it’s most basic level, the waterRIDE™ environment was designed to allow users to “get at” their datasets, irrespective of the users “technical” background.

Some of the capability available in waterRIDE™ that is applicable to Modellers includes:

Sophisticated Interrogation Tools – easily create thematic maps, rapidly create and extract (to GIS and Excel) time series plots, profile plots, flow plots, and calibration data at any location in your model.

Batch Queries – batch process the extraction of time series plots, profile plots, flow plots at any location in your model, including defining locations using external GIS files.

Common Interface – regardless of the model you use, 1D or 2D, waterRIDE™ provides a common interface to your model results, ensuring you have the same powerful toolset for all your modelling.

Time Varying GIS Analysis – the unique ability to integrate time varying model results with GIS datasets allows rapid time varying analysis such as: time to inundation, duration of inundation, interactive results animation, Boolean logic queries on hydraulic parameter combinations, calculation of true peak values across the entire hydrograph, verification of modelling results and quicker discovery of the causes of model instabilities.

Erroneous Model Behaviour- view interactive animations of your modelling results to identify sources of erroneous model behaviour

Quick Manning’s Calculations- quickly carry out Manning’s calculations to “sensibility” check your model results.

Compare Results- sophisticated difference and data extraction tools allow comparisons between model runs to be easily made, even when different model networks are used.

Import External Data- tools are provided to import various external datasets such as DEM’s and surface grids.

Client Presentation – the structure of waterRIDE™ facilitates high quality presentation of results to your clients, with all the data you need at your fingertips, ensuring “end-user” understanding and appreciation of your work.

Quality Assurance – the highly visual nature and powerful toolsets of waterRIDE™ provide modellers with a rapid means of identifying modelling errors, understanding model (and natural) behaviour, verifying and calibrating models, and providing consistent, high quality deliverables.

Further details can be found on the product pages.