Making 1D flood modelling data more accessible
Time-varying results from branch/cross-section models such as MIKE 11 & SOBEK 1D, and node/link models such as EXTRAN & ESTRY can be converted into triangulated 2D networks. Steady state models such as HEC-RAS (traditional) and DRAINS along with simple stream profiles can be converted into peak surfaces of water level and velocity (where available). GIS cross-sections and/or points with water levels and velocities attached as field data, and even hard-copy results can be converted into 2D surfaces!
The interface includes tools for conditioning the triangulated network to best fit the floodplain recognising that 1D models do not always cover the full lateral extent of flooding. These semi-automated tools allow the rapid creation of well-conditioned 2D surfaces through on-screen editing.
Once the 2D framework has been prepared from the 1D base data, the relatively coarse model network can be mapped onto a finer scale DEM (TIN and/or Grid) using waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager.
The framework building process stores a list of “changes”, thereby making the conversion process automatic, should your underlying model results change.
waterRIDE™ 1D Surface allows you to interpret your 1D model results onto a 2D surface, on behalf of your model results users.
- The conversion process automatically triangulates between upstream and downstream cross sections along each branch, using the offset/elevation points
- Branches such as cross-links that are not required to in the water surface can be “turned off”
- Individual cross-sections where branches overlap can be removed
- Cross-sections can be rotated and extended to represent flow direction and floodplain extent, allowing “glass walls” issues to be quickly addressed
- Individual cross sections can be moved or “turned off”
- Triangles can be manually added to ‘stitch’ tributaries to main branches
- Once the network has been conditioned for a 1D model framework, all model “runs” can be batch processed using the common framework
- Flow (velocity) can be distributed across each cross section using Manning’s equation to provide a realistic interpretation of flow velocities
- Nodes can be moved to stretch and appropriately align the network.
- “Intermediate” cross sections can be created to help the water surface “get around bends”, something particularly useful in sinuous rivers with sparse cross sections
- 2D frameworks are interchangeable between 1D model runs, making the re-mapping of a model “re-run” painless
Rapid Creation of 2D Framework
· automatic triangulation between upstream and downstream cross sections along each branch, using the offset/elevation points
· Branches such as cross-links that are not required to in the water surface can be “turned off”
· Individual cross-sections where branches overlap can be removed
· Cross-sections can be rotated and extended to represent flow direction and floodplain extent, allowing “glass walls” to be quickly dealt with
· Individual cross sections can be moved or “turned off”
Batch Processing of 1D Results
The coarse 2D framework created by triangulating cross sections is now ready for mapping to a finer scale DEM.
Once the network has been conditioned for a 1D model framework, all model “runs” can be batch processed using the common framework.
If your model results subsequently change, simply click the “process” update the results!
High Quality Output
1D models are “revitalised” by converting them into 2D space.
The image to the left shows a depth surface with velocity vectors, overlaying the orginal link/node 1D model network
Velocity Distribution
Flow (velocity) can be distributed across each cross section using Manning’s equation to provide a realistic interpretation of flow velocities.
The figure to the left shows a velocity profile across a model cross section with two main flow paths.
Onscreen Editing Tools
Triangles can be manually added to ‘stitch’ tributaries to main branches.
Cross-sections can be rotated and extended to represent flow direction and floodplain extent, allowing “glass walls” to be quickly dealt with
Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Processors: Minimum 1GHz, 2GHz recommended
RAM: Minimum 1GB RAM, 2GB recommended
Flood Modelling Tools
Current Support: MIKE11, HEC-RAS, XP-STORM, EXTRAN (XP-SWMM), DRAINS overland flow, GIS X-sections with level information, and even hard copy results
Future Support: Added as required
GIS Datasets
Vector: Esri ShapeFile (*.shp), MapInfo Mif/Mid (*.mif), AutoCAD DXF v12 (*.dxf)
Raster: JPEG (*.jpg), Bitmap (*.bmp), Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (*.ecw), JPEG2000 (*.j2k,*.jp2,*.jpc,*.j2c), MrSID (*.sid)
Elevation Data: waterRIDE™ Surface Files (*.wrb, *.wrr)
waterRIDE™ 1D Surface is designed to prepare water surface files for use in waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager.
All waterRIDE™ software is Licensed subject to our License Agreement.