Building RMA model networks… quickly

RMAnet is a finite element network creation tool designed primarily to assist mathematical modellers in generating finite element networks for the RMA suite of models.


RMAnet has been developed by experienced RMA modellers/programmers to promote the rapid creation of efficient finite element networks.

RMAnet was designed to help the modeller generate the network that they want in the shortest amount of time, rather than relying on automatic routines that may miss hydraulic subtleties or generate unwieldy networks.

For even experienced RMA modellers, RMAnet will dramatically reduce your model network build (and editing) time.

Network generation is mouse driven by intuitive graphic controls with the flexibility and speed of keyboard shortcuts.  The underlying philosophy is based on the creation of elements with necessary nodes created automatically rather than the more, time consuming process of creating nodes and then joining them to create elements.


Elements can be created singularly, in blocks (grids), or triangulated from existing nodes.  Node and element properties can be edited individually or in selected groups.

RMAnet contains all the basic tools for network creation as well as a host of advanced tools that dramatically increase the speed of network creation.

RMAnet is a full GIS interface/development environment not just a graphical editor.  This provides many advantages over standard graphical editors, such as:

  • save time by conceiving and building your network using a rich array of GIS files including:

–  georeferenced background images (air photos, topographic maps, scanned images)

–  background vector maps (MapInfo MIF/MID and TAB files, ArcView Shape files, Idrisi, RMAGEN Map, Text files, AutoCad DXF, Microstation DGN, and Google Earth KML)

–  Digital Terrain Models (DTM – or Digital Elevation Models (DEM)) (grid or TIN based ie. raster or vector)

  • increase efficiency by visualising your DTM, building your network on top of it, then assigning node elevations from the DTM in one click, or have the elevations automatically assigned as you build your network;
  • savetime refining networks as all node resetting is on screen “click and drag”;
  • carry out network checking and quality control procedures by use of thematic colouring of the element ordering and comprehensive built-in network checking routines;
  • save time refining your network by using on screen distance operators between nodes and a suite of network refinement tools;
  • import, export and convert a number of file formats for compatibility with popular programs such as MapInfo, ArcView, ArcInfo, AutoCAD, SMS and RMAGEN.


Full GIS Support

Build your model network with rich GIS datasets as a backdrop

– visualising the source Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

– aerial photography (JPG, TIFF, GeoTIFF, BitMap, ECW, MrSID, JPEG2000)

– GIS layers (MapInfo, ESRI, AutoCAD, MicroStation, Google Earth KML)

RMAnet-DEM Management-1
DEM Management

Access multiple DEM’s in your project graphically.

Readily adjust DEM thematic mapping parameters.

Add/Remove DEM’s from your project

Adjust visibility of DEM layers.


Advanced Tools to Enhance Efficiency

Advanced tools such as:

– Automatic network generation through triangulation of existing or imported nodes with full control over which nodes are used in the triangulation.
– Linear transitioning of selected node elevations from a starting value to a finishing value.

– Moving selected nodes as a group

– automatic network cleaning

Spend Less Time Adjusting Settings and More Time Building Quality Networks

Adjustable levels of contouring “translucence” allow you to see your airphoto through your network or DEM contouring.


Full Control Of Display Options

Manage supporting GIS layers position, colour, visibility, line styles etc.

Reads SMS image files and SMS network files.  Hence SMS users can take advantage of the network building features of RMAnet.


Rapidly Specify Properties of Nodes/Elements

Advanced graphical editing facilitates rapid editing of the properties of nodes and elements, individually or in groups.

Select elements/nodes, right click and process nodes/elements as a group or sub group (eg nodes without elevations or elements without material types only).

Select nodes/elements individually, using rectangle or polygon fences, or using SQL on node/element properties.



ntuitive and Fast User Interface

Mouse driven interface with keyboard and toolbar shortcuts.

Create elements instead of nodes first.

Full GIS interface (zoom, pan, zoom window).

Distance operators on nodes (eg readily place nodes at a certain distance from other nodes).

Full functioning, multiple level undo feature increases flexibility of net refinement.

Wide range of element refinement tools with full control over split/refinement direction and auto cleaning of adjacent elements



The RMAnet tutorial will help you get “up and running” quickly.


Error Checking

Detailed error checking and visual tools help you locate problems with your network setup.


Full Support For Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

– visualise and interrogate a DEM(s) as you build your model network

– rapidly assign elevations to your network (all nodes, selected nodes, only nodes without an elevation etc)

– compare the network approximation to the source DEM

– Utilise raster (grid) or TIN (triangulated irregular network) based DEMs

– Import existing DEM’s from: 12D, MapInfo Vertical Mapper, ESRI Grid, ASCII Grid, Idrisi, ERDAS Imagine Grids)

– Create your own DEMs from raw datasets


Thematic Mapping Capability

Thematic colouring of element ordering and network elevation.

Colour ranges can be specified through colour pallettes.


Visual Feedback From Interface

Node setting/node movement are all screen operations.

Full control over node and element labelling including label colour and number format (eg number of decimal places)


Operating Systems:      Windows 2000, Windows XP (32 and 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

Processors:      Minimum 1GHz, 2GHz recommended

RAM:    Minimum 1GB RAM, 2GB recommended


Geospatial Data Inputs


For importing geospatial data to facilitate the conceiving and building of networks, the following file formats are read by RMAnet with no conversions required.


Data Type Formats Supported


GIS files (vector – point/line/poly) MapInfo MIF/MID (*.mif)

MapInfo TAB (*.tab)

ArcView Shape (*.shp)

Google Earth KML (*.kml)


Vector Files Idrisi Vector (*.vec, *.vct)

AutoCAD (*.dxf)

RMAGEN (*.map, *.mbp)

MicroStation DGN (*.dgn)


Images (raster – pixel based) JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)

Bitmap (*.bmp)

Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (*.ecw)

JPEG2000 (*.j2k, *.jp2, *.jpx, *.jpc, *.j2c)

MrSID (*.sid)

TIFF (*.tiff, *.tif)


Point Data XYZ (*.xyz)

Comma Separated Values (*.csv)

XY Text (*.xyt)


Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Idrisi raster (*img, *.rst)

waterRIDE TIN (*.wrb)

waterRIDE Grid (*.wrr)

12D ASCII x,y,z,t format – through conversion

ESRI Grid (*.adf)

ASCII Grid (*.asc)

ERDAS Imagine (*.img)



RMAnet also contains a number of file conversion and DTM creation tools.


Compatibility with Other Network Generators


Users of RMAGEN and SMS can take advantage of the efficient network generation of RMAnet and load RMA results directly into waterRIDE™ FLOOD Manager for integration of model results with GIS capabilities.





RMAnet is backwards compatible with the network creation files used with RMAGEN (RMA, Sydney, Australia). RMAnet also reads UNIX binary network files.





RMAnet reads the following SMS files:


  • *.2dm
  • GFGEN ASCII *.geo
  • *.bin


Hence SMS users of RMA can utilise the finite element generation advantages of RMAnet.

RMAnet is designed to be used by RMA modellers.

It is assumed that the modeller is proficient in the use of the RMA model itself.

RMAnet is available as both standalone and network (LAN/WAN) licenses.

All waterRIDE™ software is Licensed subject to our License Agreement.
